Client Letters

February 2022

During several conversations I have had recently, after discovering my career choice I often hear some version of this question from people: “With inflation at

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January 2022

This month’s letter will be a tad bit different. Unlike the typical media sources that are focusing on negative news stories about the latest Covid-19

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December 2021

As we have worked together over the years it has been human nature to get to know each other better. For you it is probably

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November 2021

I was watching CNBC obliquely, interested more in having background sound in the room than in capturing any investing news, when my granddaughter asked, “Why

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October 2021

Wow! We didn’t anticipate this: several folks have requested that we leave the First Annual Shred Week open longer to allow their friends and relatives

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September 2021

From one of our trusted research sources: It is being reported by the prominent political paper The Hill that “big Washington lobbyists have already succeeded

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